
館内でのマスク着用についてのお知らせ/RE: Termination of mask wearing in the fitness club building

投稿日時: 2023/03/12 投稿者:


さて、2023 年 3 月 13 日以降、マスク着用については個人の判断に委ねるとの政府の方針に従い、当クラブでのマスク着用は撤廃することとなりました。





THE ENTENTE Fitness Club

カテゴリー:Fitness Club

アンタンテ フィットネスクラブ ホームページを一新いたしました – We have renewed our website.

投稿日時: 2023/01/06 投稿者:



ジ・アンタンテ フィットネスクラブ 六甲アイランドにある会員制高級スポーツクラブ


カテゴリー:Fitness Club

2014年10月16日~ 新スタジオスケジュール 

投稿日時: 2014/11/03 投稿者:




On 16th of October, 2014 the studio schedule has been changed.

As of now, we are having an audition for new classes. The schedule will change when the audition is over.

We will be waiting for your participation.



カテゴリー:Studio Schedule

Futsal Event Report / フットサルイベントレポート

投稿日時: 2014/06/25 投稿者:

In anticipation of the World Cup in Brazil, The Entente held an event on the 14th June, 2014 at the Rokko Island Football Stadium. Futsal differs from football in several ways; teams of 5 players compete on a smaller field with smaller goals as well as a heavier ball. Futsal is said to have originated in Uruguay and spread throughout Brazil in the 1930’s and 1940’s. In fact, in Brazil more people play futsal than football as it can be played by anyone regardless of weather conditions.

On the day of the event, three teams (A, B and C) competed in eight 10 minute matches in a league style format. The weather was ideal as the sun shone down upon the field and within a couple of matches everyone was dripping with sweat. The games were competitive but friendly as each team played their hardest to come out on top. With no substitutions, each game was a test of willpower and physical endurance for all the players involved.

In the end, Team C was victorious and came in first place undefeated. Team A came second and Team B came in last place. Special mention goes to Mr. and Mrs. Hodge who played a large role in Team C’s victory. Mr. Hodge scored 4 goals and received a prize for being the top scorer on the day. Not to be outdone by her husband, Mrs. Hodge received the award for Most Valuable Player as she assisted in several goals, scored a couple herself and played a central part in Team C’s success.

Everyone who participated had a great time and a good workout.  We hope to see you at the next fitness club event. Thank you.










カテゴリー:Event Report

Thank you to everyone at The Entente.

投稿日時: 2014/06/25 投稿者:

Regrettably, due to unforeseen circumstances, I will be returning to Australia on the 21st of July. I had hoped to work at The Entente for at least a year but a month after entering the company, unexpectedly it came to light that in order to ensure I could graduate from University, I needed to return to Australia and recommence my studies by the end of July. I am grateful to Planners International for not only the opportunity to work here, but also the understanding they showed with regards to my situation. I look forward to seeing everyone again in the future. Jackson de Laat



カテゴリー:Fitness Club

New Golf Simulator /ゴルフシュミレーター導入

投稿日時: 2014/06/20 投稿者:

On the 7th of June, 2014, a new state-of-the-art Golfing Simulator was installed in The Entente.

The newly-installed simulator measures the distance travelled by the ball, its direction, spin, the angle of contact with the clubface and more in order to help you improve your golfing technique. Also, you can review your own swing using the built-in camera making it possible to develop your form even further.

Other features include repeat mode and the 9-hole round mode, which both provide an even more realistic golfing experience.

※Repeat mode allows you play the same shot of your choice from any part of the available courses as many times as you wish. For example, practice hitting on to the green from a distance of 30 yards etc.

We invite all members to try the new Golf Simulator at least once and experience the difference!








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投稿日時: 2014/05/16 投稿者:

My name is Jackson de Laat. I came to Japan last November on a working holiday visa from Australia. I have been studying Japanese since middle school and recently deferred my University studies in order to come to Japan so I could further improve my Japanese language ability. It is actually my seventh time in Japan. The first time I came to Japan was in high school when I did a home-stay with a family that lived near Nishinomiya-Najio in the Hyogo Prefecture. After I finished high school, I began studying at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. I’m currently in the process of completing my Bachelor of Arts/Law with an extended major in Japanese. Also, in 2011 I studied abroad in Japan for a year at Shimonoseki City University in Yamaguchi Prefecture.

I started working at The Entente Fitness Club in April of this year. I hope to do my best while I’m here to improve my knowledge of Japanese and its culture while I am here in Kobe. While I am only able to work short-term as part-time staff, it is a privilege to be employed at Planners International Ltd. and an honour to be a part of the team. I will do my best to make the most of this opportunity. Thank you.








投稿日時: 2014/05/16 投稿者:

On Saturday the 26th of April, we went hiking up Mt. Rokko and toured ArimaOnsen for the second time.
We started at Hankyu Ashiyagawa station at 9am and after about 20 minutes; we encountered our first obstacle, the Rock Garden cliff.  With great weather on our side, we finished our ascent up the cliff, drenched in sweat but without incident.  Our next stop was Kazafukiiwa.  By this time several people had even consumed most of their water supply.  After a short break at Kazafukiiwa, we continued on to Amegatouge, Honjoubashi and finally on to the heart-pounding Nanamagari.
It had become quitecongested since we start debut Mr. & Mrs. Miyazaki, Mr. Yasuda and Mr. Tanaka, promptly passed through the crowd and continued along the mountain path.  I was taken aback by their endurance and willpower.  At the summit, we had lunch followed by some light stretches and headed down the final slope towards ArimaOnsen.  We refreshed ourselves by soaking our feet in the cool water of a pristine river we found along the way. Then at Arima, we relaxed our fatigued bodies in the comfort of the hot springs. Of course this event would not have been possible without the participation of our valued members.  I would like to thank everyone who participated in this event and hope to see more and more members at future events.

4月26日(土)に2回目となる【六甲山ハイキング~有馬温泉ツアーvol.2】のイベントが開催されました。午前9時に阪急芦屋川駅をスタートし20分程進むと最初の難関「ロックガーデン」の崖に遭遇します。天候にも恵まれ全員が汗だくになりながらも怪我なく無事に登り終えると次に目指すは「風吹岩」。ここに到着するまでにほとんどの水分補給をしてしまった人もいました。風吹岩で少し休憩をとった後、雨ヶ峠、本庄橋と順調に進みいよいよ心臓破り「七曲り」へ・・・ スタート地点から渋滞が発生していましたが、宮崎さんご夫妻と安田さん、田中さんは渋滞を潜り抜け早々と山道を上って行かれました。その体力と精神力には本当に驚かされました。山頂につくとランチと軽いストレッチを行い最後の下り坂ルートで有馬へ向かいました。途中には綺麗な川が流れ、冷水に足を浸かりながらリフレッシュをしました。有馬では、帰りのチャーターバスは手配できませんでしたが、ゆったりと温泉で疲れを癒されたことと思います。今回のイベントが実施出来たのは参加者のみなさまのお陰だと思っております。ありがとうございました。今後も様々なイベント行って参りますので皆様のご参加宜しくお願いいたします。

CIMG1844 CIMG1909

カテゴリー:Event Report

第42回 全日本スカッシュ選手権大会 出場

投稿日時: 2013/11/20 投稿者:

2013年11月21日(木)~24日(日) 岡山県倉敷市のマスカットスタジアムにおいて国内最高峰の第42回全日本スカッシュ選手権大会が行われます。この大会は全国から出場資格を獲得した選手が集い、期間中熱闘が繰り広げられます。

ジ・アンタンテフィットネスクラブからは、今年の兵庫選手権で3位に入った菊澤 武(スタッフ)が出場致します!!



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